
Three Perfect Months...

I am so blessed to be Madi's mom. It is hard to believe that she is three months old today. They have been the three most wonderful months of my life. She is such a beautiful little girl and she steals my heart with every little smile and sound she makes. I am so thankful that Heavenly Father sent her to us. She is so perfect I and I love her more each day!
Madi's best friend...
Madi will lay under her discovery center and just stare at her octopus. She talks to him and hits his rattles and giggles with delight. It is so fun to see her with it. I will post a video later.

I love to watch Madi sleep. Some say that I hold Madi too much and that I should put her down to sleep and that it is my fault she wakes up when I put her down because I always hold her but she is growing up too fast for me to put her down. I have to hold her while she'll let me. Plus, I am making up for all the years of empty arms. :)


  1. she is so sweet...don't let anyone tell you to put your baby down!! You're right, you have to enjoy it while you can!

  2. 3-4 months is such a fun turning point. They start really giving back! I can't believe how big she is getting. Isn't amazing how quick they grow! She's a beauty!
