We got Madi her first ice cream cone from McDonald's. I ate the top off and gave her the cone. She was freaking out when she saw it and kept grabbing at it. I set it on her tray and she picked it right up.
She dug right in!It only took about 15 seconds before she cried because her fingers were too cold! I took the cone from her and she screamed louder reaching for it back! So, mommy helped her.When it got to the bottom I took it and threw the rest away. I told her "all done" and she burst into tears!So sad... I always thought I would be strict with food, especially the first year. But she is just such an sweetie that we do give her a treat every now and then. :)
She is sooooo cute. Your background for the blog is darling. What a sweetie pie miss Madi is. Love you!!!