

This is the hoodie I made Madi. Isn't she the cutest?!?!?!?
Madi has become obsessed with Baby Einstein's, particularly any about animals. She will point to the TV and want to watch them over and over. I have to limit her to once a day, twice if she's really lucky or it is all she would do. She normally will stand right up to the TV. We got this armoire off KSL because we had the TV on a coffee table but Madi would shove anything she could in the VCR. (There is still a Dum Dum sucker in that I couldn't get out:D) That makes it harder for her to get REAL close.
We were cooking dinner tonight and looked over at Madi and she was laying on her tummy watching. We had never seen her watch TV like that. She looked so cute.
She was glued to the TV until Derrick busted out the camera.
I can't get enough of this kid! I just love her to pieces!!!

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